Simon Phipps

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Images are my own unless otherwise mentioned.



Writing on the internet since the mid-90s as the OG Hipster Bloggeur now running my own servers cos that one time Russia bought LiveJournal and we all panicked


OG Hipster Blogger since 2000, the time before blogging was ever cool


⚡golang, ruby/rails
🕸 cloud-native, k8s
👷‍♂️sre/infra engineer

extremely interested in the decentralized net, self-hosting and privacy space.

believes that the web should be free where information that is on the internet can be obtained freely regardless of social status and privilege and that the internet should return to its roots as the great equalizer.

also admin

Mario Torre

Manager of the #OpenJDK team at Red Hat, #Musician and programmer. #JavaChampion and OpenJDK Contributor. Yes, I love #Java ;)

Follow me on

The opinion expressed here are my own and any like and share doesn't necessary mean I agree with the content.

NFT are a scam.

I'm leftist.
Yes, this is really me, verify me on my website:

Simon Phipps

Geek-Nerd · OSI Standards director · Meshed Insights CEO · On the Internet since 1987 (via BBSes) · Cat servant.

Prior Fediverse: from 2008; from 2017

Full bio:

Main tags: #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

Juha Autero

trans rights = human rights


informatique en général, libre en particulier, musique épicée et cuisine végé: bienvenue dans mon monde.

computing in general, free software in particular, spicy music and veg cooking: welcome in my world. warning: I mostly toot in French.

la plupart des toots (ceux commençant par [lien]) sont fournis par les marques-pages de mon #Shaarli. j'y indique toujours mes sources, mais malheureusement le logiciel utilisé pour envoyer les liens ne permet pas de les indiquer ici. mes excuses par avance.

most toots (those beginning with [lien]) are generated from my #Shaarli bookmarks. I always add the source, but unfortunately the software used to post here does not support it. please forgive me.

Paul Hutch

Fridrich Strba :ch_Geneve:

Writing in my impersonal incapacity


a Hungarian living abroad,
KÉM :), azaz Külföldön Élő Magyar

Gustav H Meyer

Views expressed are mine alone and not that of my employers. Accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity is not guaranteed.

Charles-H. Schulz

French Technologist, Cybersecurity Veteran & Free Software advocate and practitioner. #Vates #Xen #Virtualization #cybersecurity #ODF #Emacs #softwarefreedom #OpenStandards