Fenix / Sofia fenix@mastodon.lrdf.fr

Open on mastodon.lrdf.fr

100% #vegetarian, 200% parent.

I like : trains, #steampunk, #solarpunk, #homeschooling, #retrogaming, #Pokemon, ponies and pineapple pizza.

I hate : hunters, traders, racists, masculinists, nationalists and all that kind of shit.

I do :
- #Cisco, #Arista and #Perl stuff at work,
- #Ansible, #Proxmox and #ZFS stuff at home.

🦆 :fat_pikachu3: :flan_whmage:​ 🚂 🚀 ​🏹
:flan_chef:​ 🍕 🍍
:flan_headphones:​ :flan_hacker:​ :debian:​ :ansible: :proxmox: :yunohost:​
:vegan:​ 🏳️‍🌈 ​:anarchism:​ :comm: :flantifa:​


dashie @dashie

SWL - Repairs TSF radios - Loves motorola mc68k. Eats Python and Go.